Avocado Central Project Highlights

Screenshot of AvocadoCentral.com home page with callouts
  1. Created Rotating jQuery slide show that can be edited through Drupal admin system.
  2. Wrote custom Drupal module to integrate with Webforms to subscribe users to mailing list via CURL.
  3. Implemented search with complex filtering of "Recipe" content type via Views. The home page uses a simplified version of the larger form that is available on deeper pages.
Screenshot of AvocadoCentral.com showing recipe recalculation
Responsible for JavaScript recipe recalculation functionality including formatting of mixed fractions, conversion between smaller and larger units, and schema.org recipe formatting.
Other Notes: Assisted in rebranding of this site to current layout and imagery. Later led the Drupal 7 conversion of site from a custom CMS.
View AvocadoCentral.com (Site has changed since my work, see The Wayback Machine)